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Tools for the Public

Do you have access to information or privacy-related questions about a Nova Scotia provincial government department? If so, check which office you need to contact: Provincial Government Records - Which Office Do I Need? / Auprès de quel bureau dois-je me renseigner?


Public Body/Municipality Contact Information:

Best Password Practices / Meilleures pratiques pour les mots de passe


Infographic: How to Make an Access to Information Request

Guide to Review Process

Know Your Rights Series / Connaissez vos droits:

FAQs - Access to Information

Mini Guide to Access
Miniguide sur l'accès à l'information  
A Citizen's Guide to Access and Privacy Rights in Nova Scotia

Government Online Access Request Form
Government Disclosures Available Online


Privacy Pursuit! Lesson plans for grades 2-8 from the Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario

Privacy at Home

Privacy at Work

Graphic Novel - Social Smarts: Nothing Personal!

Questions about Nova Scotia's Proof of Full Vaccination Policy

Protect Against Phishing - Technology Fact Sheet

FAQs - Privacy 

Mini Guide to Privacy
Miniguide sur la protection des renseignements personnels
A Citizen's Guide to Big Data and Your Privacy Rights in Nova Scotia
A Citizen's Guide to Access and Privacy Rights in Nova Scotia

Health Information

Mini Guide to Health Information
Miniguide sur l'accès à vos renseignements médicaux
PHIA Fee Fact Sheet - Personal Health Information Act
Fiche de renseignements - Frais liés à la PHIA (français)