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Acting Information and Privacy Commissioner appointed

Carmen Stuart, the Executive Director for the OIPC, is appointed by Order In Council, as the Acting Review Officer (Information and Privacy Commissioner) while the hiring process for the next Commissioner is underway. Please note, our office does not have a role to play in the hiring process, so we have no further details to share.

Information and Privacy Commissioner releases Review Report 25-02

The applicant asked the Department of Labour, Skills and Immigration (public body) for information about 14 acute workplace deaths that occurred in Nova Scotia in 2018. In response, the public body partially disclosed information to the applicant. The public body withheld information pursuant to s. 20 (personal information) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. The Commissioner finds that because the public body erred in its application of the s. 20 analysis, release of the withheld information in the responsive records would result in an unreasonable invasion of the personal privacy of multiple third parties. She recommends that the public body continue to withhold it from the applicant. See more...


For immediate release
February 19, 2025
Commissioner’s investigation calls for the Nova Scotia Government to take action to prevent future privacy breaches.
HALIFAX – On June 4, 2023, the Nova Scotia Government publicly announced it was subject to a global cyber security attack. Threat actors took advantage of a critical vulnerability in a software product called MOVEit, a file transfer system purchased and used by the Nova Scotia Government designed to move large amounts of data over the internet between users of the system. A vast scope of personal information, including names, social insurance numbers, addresses, educational backgrounds, personal health information and banking information was stolen by the threat actors that conducted the cyberattack. See more...


February 18, 2025
Information and Privacy Commissioner for Nova Scotia to release investigation report concerning the MOVEit file transfer system privacy breach
HALIFAX – On Wednesday, February 19 at 10:00 a.m., Information and Privacy Commissioner for Nova Scotia Tricia Ralph will release her investigation report into the MOVEit file transfer system privacy breach caused by a cyberattack. See more...

Information and Privacy Commissioner releases Review Report 25-01

An applicant asked Halifax Regional Police (HRP) for records related to its use of facial recognition technology. HRP withheld portions of the requested information under s. 472(1)(b) (intergovernmental affairs) and s. 475(1)(k) (harm the security of any property or system) of Part XX of the Municipal Government Act (MGA). The Commissioner finds that HRP failed to meet its burden when it did not provide any representations to explain why it thought it was allowed to withhold the information it did. The Commissioner recommends disclosure of the requested records to the applicant, with the exception of one piece of personal information contained in them.

While HRP disclosed additional information to the applicant during the review process with the Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner (OIPC) to comply with its legal obligations under the MGA, it declined to provide representations or evidence to support its decision to continue to withhold the remaining information, despite its burden to do so. In light of this, the Commissioner also makes similar recommendations as those she previously made in NS Review Report 22-12: that HRP implement policies and procedures for engaging in the access to information review process with the OIPC and provide training on those policies and procedures to staff involved in the access to information review process. The Commissioner strongly urges that in future, HRP meaningfully complies with its legal obligations under the MGA by providing representations and evidence to demonstrate why it believes it has met its burden to withhold information from applicants. See more...

For immediate release
December 10, 2024

Canada’s Information Commissioners and Ombuds issue joint resolution calling for enhanced transparency in government operations

Gatineau, Québec – December 10, 2024 - In a joint resolution, Canada’s Information Commissioners and Ombuds from federal, provincial, and territorial jurisdictions are pressing their respective governments to prioritize transparency in the design and implementation of new systems, administrative processes, procedures, and governance models. This resolution reflects the need for a new standard in government operations and a collective commitment to fostering a culture of transparency and accountability across all levels of government in Canada. See more...
Related document:


For immediate release
November 27, 2024

Federal, provincial, and territorial privacy regulators address responsible information-sharing in situations involving intimate partner violence

Toronto, Ontario, November 27, 2024 - Privacy authorities across Canada have issued a joint resolution to guide the responsible disclosure of personal information in situations involving intimate partner violence (IPV). Finalized at their October annual meeting, hosted by the Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario, the resolution aims to empower organizations and their staff to make informed decisions about privacy, confidentiality, and public safety. See more...

Information and Privacy Commissioner releases Review Report 24-18

An applicant asked Halifax Regional Police (HRP) for records relating to the death of their family member. HRP relied on s. 480 (personal information) of Part XX of the Municipal Government Act (MGA) to withhold portions of the responsive records because it believed the information was a third party’s personal information that must be withheld under s. 480. The Commissioner agrees with HRP and finds that s. 480 requires HRP to continue to withhold the third-party information severed from the responsive records. See more...


For immediate release
November 13, 2024

Canadian privacy regulators pass resolution to address privacy-related harms resulting from deceptive design patterns

TORONTO, ON, November 13, 2024 - Privacy regulators from across Canada have issued a joint resolution calling for action on the growing use of deceptive design patterns (DDPs) that undermine privacy rights. Passed at their October annual meeting, hosted by the Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario, the resolution outlines key measures for organizations to adopt privacy-first design practices. Read more...


For immediate release
February 1, 2024
Information and Privacy Commissioner publishes submission for the legislative review of Nova Scotia's access and privacy laws

HALIFAX - Information and Privacy Commissioner Tricia Ralph has provided her submission to the internal working group reviewing Nova Scotia's access and privacy laws. Read more...

Legislative Review Submission

Companion Reports:

Department of Justice mandate includes amendment to Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act

Premier Houston's September 14, 2021 mandate letter to the Attorney General and Minister of Justice includes a requirement to amend the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIPOP) to give order-making ability to Nova Scotia's Information and Privacy Commissioner:  September 14, 2021 Ministerial Mandate - Department of Justice and Attorney General

The Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner is willing to provide input and guidance to the government as it moves ahead with this amendment to FOIPOP, or any other important amendments the OIPC has recommended to modernize Nova Scotia's outdated access to information and privacy laws. 

New/Updated Publications Now Available

The OIPC's Role - What the OIPC Can and Cannot Do

Protecting Patient Information in Practice and Beyond

Need-to-Know Instead of Circle of Care

Know Your Rights: Missing Records?

Tips for Addressing Employee Snooping