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A number of forms which may be used for procedures under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act are provided in Regulations. These are being provided for convenience, but please note, they may not longer be accepted, used, or needed. It is up to you to make sure you are using the proper form or format.
These forms are not required in order to request access (see How to Make an Access Request) or a review (see How to Appeal a Decision), you may find them convenient. You may wish to contact the public body/municipality that you wish to request access from, to ensure you are using their preferred form/format prior to making your application.
With regard to forms for appealing to court (forms 9, 10, 11), the court may have created its own preferred forms to use. For instructions on the correct process to make an appeal to the Nova Scotia Supreme Court, you must contact the Courts directly. The court appeal process is separate and distinct from the review process. The OIPC is not a party to an appeal to the Nova Scotia Supreme Court, and cannot provide instructions or answer questions about that process.

A number of forms which may be used for procedures under the Part XX of the Municipal Government Act are provided in Regulations. Although these forms are not required in order to request access or a review, you may find them very convenient:

The following form may be used to file a Privacy Request for Review under the Privacy Review Officer Act is provided below:
(Please note at the current time the Review Officer does not have oversight jurisdiction over privacy matters under the Part XX of the Municipal Government Act.)
The following forms which may be used for procedures under Personal Health Information Act are provided below: